Keep your beauty
for a long time.
Clinic Hours
  • Mon~Wed10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Thu~Fri10:00 ~ 21:00
  • Sat10:00 ~ 15:00 (Night treatment)
  • Lunch break13:00 ~ 14:30 (No lunch break)
  • Closed on Sundays and public holidays.
    Please make a reservation for night treatment.
    On Saturday there is no lunch break.
To improve unintended side effects
Body reconstruction
  • # Uneven thigh areas after liposuction
In cases of uneven skin texture after liposuction
  • # the side effect of unsuccessful pelvis fat transplantation
In cases of unsuccessful integration after fat transplantation in the pelvis/hip area
  • # Uneven abdominal area after liposuction
In cases of uneven skin texture after liposuction
  • # skin discoloration after liposuction
In cases of skin discoloration after liposuction
  • # the side effect of unsuccessful pelvis prosthesis surgery
In cases of uneven pelvis shape after pelvis prosthesis surgery
What is
Body reconstruction
What is Body Reconstruction at Gowoonmom clinic?
The body reconstruction procedure
performed at Gowoonmom
aim to address issues from
various surgeries or procedures,
effectively correcting problems
such as skin irregularities,
deformities, or distorted lines
from improper fat transplantation
and filler injection
#1. Body reconstruction case
Failed cases after liposuction
Skin irregularities and discoloration
Skin irregularities and discoloration after liposuction,
why does it happen?

In cases of where fat layer were removed that
were too close to the skin surface,
causing skin deformation.


In cases of uneven
fat suction


In cases of excessive removal of the
entire subcutaneous fat later in
some certain areas resulting
in adhesion


In cases of when melanocytes
in the basal layer of the
skin were stimulated then
occurred discoloration

The bumpy texture and patchy discoloration of the skin after liposuction often result
from a combination of the four factors mentioned above.
It is important to find the right solutions for each cause,
such as uneven lines and patchy discoloration
Uneven textured skin after liposuction can be considered by
each different procedure including fillers, depending on the
level of skin irregularities and discolorations
At our Gowoonmom Clinic, we accurately identify the extent of our patients’
skin irregularities and discoloration, enabling us to provide the assistance for
achieving optimal improvement effects in a short period of time.
Gowoonmom’s actual case of skin irregularity revision after liposuction
Skin irregularities and
discoloration after liposuction,
why does it happen?

In cases of where fat
layer were removed that
were too close to the skin
surface, causing skin


In cases of
uneven fat suction


In cases of excessive removal
of the entire subcutaneous
fat later in some certain
areas resulting in adhesion


In cases of
when melanocytes
in the basal layer
of the skin were
stimulated then

The bumpy texture and patchy discoloration
of the skin after liposuction often
result from a combination of the four
factors mentioned above. It is important
to find the right solutions for each cause,
such as uneven lines and patchy discoloration
Uneven textured skin after liposuction
can be considered by each different procedure including
fillers, depending on the level of skin irregularities
and discolorations
At our Gowoonmom Clinic, we accurately
identify the extent of our
patients’ skin irregularities
and discoloration, enabling us to
provide the assistance for
achieving optimal improvement
effects in a short period of time.
  • improving skin irregularities
    after liposuction
  • Skin discoloration after liposuction
  • restoration of skin elasticity
  • Gowoonmom Total Solution
improving skin irregularities after liposuction
원리 How it works
*improving protruding areas : this method minimizes protruding
areas by removing the fat
from the area where it wasn’t removed
enough compared to other areas.
*improving sunken areas : it helps to break skin and muscle apart
and fills in fat layers that were
excessively removed
특징 Characteristics
  • 01.

    Improving fibered
    skin and nodules

  • 02.

    Refining excess fat

  • 03.

    Improving both
    protruding and sunken areas

  • 04.

    Defining vague outline

  • 05.

    Improving protruding skin

  • 06.

    Natural volume

Skin discoloration after liposuction
원리 How it works
This method provides you the improvement
of both skin discoloration and rough skin
texture that were caused by liposuction.
It brightens the skin and normalize
thickened skin and damaged tissues
특징 Characteristics
  • 01.

    Minimizing skin damage

  • 02.

    Simple procedure

  • 03.

    Combination treatment
    of injection and laser
    depending on the area
    ad each cause

  • 04.

    Skin regeneration

  • 05.

    Improving damaged tissues

  • 06.

    Brightens the skin

restoration of skin elasticity
원리 How it works
This method restores the elasticity of the skin that is covering the tissue
특징 Characteristics
  • 01.

    Generating collagen
    that is essential for
    skin elasticity

  • 02.

    Improving clustered fat

  • 03.

    Various cosmetic effects
    such as smoothing out
    uneven skin and fat,
    ameliorating skin

  • 04.

    Breaking down fat cells

improving skin
irregularities and skin
discoloration after
liposuction + restoration
of skin elasticity
원리 How it works
We use those 3 methods to
improve the skin irregularities and
discoloration after liposuction at Gowoonmom,
we customize each treatment based on individual case
특징 Characteristics
  • 01.

    Efficient skin improvement
    that wasn’t improved by
    other existing methods

  • 02.

    Effective results for
    each case with the
    composition and combination
    of various procedures

  • 03.

    Various cosmetic effects
    such as smoothing out
    uneven skin and fat,
    ameliorating skin

  • 04.

    Minimal discomfort skin
    recovery through
    non-surgical methods

#2. Body reconstruction case
Various pelvic surgery
and procedure failure cases
There are various methods for augmenting the pelvis, including fillers,
fat transplantation and implant insertion
However, if there is an issue occurred from these methods,
it requires a lot of time and expenses to solves those issues.
At our Gowoonmom clinic, we offer
efficient reconstruction methods that could avoid surgery and
that saves time and expenses
compared to the prior surgery/procedure you had.

Check out following cases of the issues
that were from previous pelvis surgeries/procedures
( All the revision from the failed cases of pelvis surgeries and
procedures were performed by Gowoonmom Clinic and published with
the explicit consent of the patients)
Case01. The side effect of thigh liposuction
- Uneven and irregularly caved in thighs -
[ Consultation notes ]
The patient : I did thigh liposuction because I wanted to have slimmer thighs but
afterwards my thigh line became extremely uneven that I am not only afraid to wear
skirts and shorts but also to go to the spa
Given the situation,
shouldn’t the area where the fat has
disappeared be taken care
of by trying fat transplantation
procedure again ?
Then where would
the necessary amount of fat be extracted from?
Additionally, fat transplantation
that is hard to predict its engraftment rates,

is hard to make precise adjustments
At Gowoonmom, we make sure to emphasize this during the body filler procedures
[it is possible to inject the fillers into the areas where fat exists and existed]
After thigh liposuction, it is possible to make adjustments even with one session of filler injection
View post's details+
Case02. The side effects from thigh/hip liposuction
Hip dip caused by improper liposuction (both sides of the hips are sunken)
[ Consultation notes ]
The patient : after thigh and hip liposuction,
I noticed on the sides of my hips were sunken.
I didn’t even know what this was called
‘hip dip, it made me consider doing transplantation
Hip dips can occur innately,
but they can also occur
from suctioning subcutaneous
fat incorrectly around
the pelvis area during procedures
like thigh or hip liposuction
By using body fillers it is possible
to adjust the hip dips caused by improper suctioning
View post's details+
Case03. The side effect of pelvis prosthesis surgery
- The issue of fat engraftment & deformation of the pelvis shape -
[ Consultation notes ]
The patient : A year go, I got a pelvis
prosthesis surgery at other clinic.
The area where the engraftment
was successful turned out remarkably well.
But the areas that it didn’t,
the fat was all gone and the whole shape
of my pelvis became different and weird.
Just because it’s my own fat,
it means it’s safe? No, because it’s my own fat
it’s even harder to control
In the case of fat transplantation, it’s said that usually 1 person out of 10
people maintains for over six months. Its engraftment rate is extremely low.
Let’s just say we were lucky enough to be among that 10% where success was attained.
Hip dips are the area that connect below hips to thighs, will they seamlessly blend together?
It’s the procedure where neither of the operating doctor
nor receiving patient can predict the results or the outcome.
Imbalances in the pelvis due to its improper engraftment
with fat transplantation procedure can be corrected through
the methods such as fillers and fat dissolving injections
View post's details+
Case04. The side effect of pelvis prosthesis surgery
Deformation of the pelvis shape (uneven pelvic shape)
[ Consultation notes ]
The patient : I had a pelvis bone expansion
surgery back in 2021.
I didn’t like the results of it,
because they were uneven and on top of that
I even ended up getting huge scars.
They said they would make it up to me by
filling those uneven area
but I still was not satisfied with the fillers as well.
Because of those ongoing surgery
and filler injections, I wasn’t able to work out for
almost 2 years so I ended up having
too much stress and gained more than 10kgs
They are 2 things that you need
to know about the side effects of pelvis prosthesis surgery
1) Pelvis prosthesis surgery may increase the size of the pelvis,
but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it guarantees
a much more attractive or perfect appearance
2) Scars are inevitable after the pelvis prosthesis surgery
The deformities and unevenness
in pelvic shape that were caused by
pelvis prostheses surgeries can be
corrected with the appropriate amount of filler
* Tattoos were blurred for better perspective of view
View post's details+
Why Gowoonmom

since 2006 Specialized in body shaping, researching and performing procedures since 2006

Over 30,000 cases of body fillers Our medical staff and employees use carefully selected, safe fillers that have been clinically proven through their own practice

Daily maximum safe volume set Daily maximum safe volume set, creating an optimized volume within the daily maximum safe volume without forcibly adding more

Restylene certified top-rated procedure hospital Selected as the top-rated procedure hospital for Restylene-certified fillers

Provide safety procedure certificate A safety procedure certificate is given after the procedure and an employee provides customized care

The staff and doctors of Gowoonmom
Clinic are all composed of women who know
the hearts and body of women.
We studied our bodies first before yours.
This is where Gowoonmom’s story begins.
For Woman
Contact E-Mail:
205-206,321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Guide to treatment hours
Mon : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Tue : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Wed : 10:00 ~ 19:00
Thu : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Fri : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Sat : 10:00 ~ 15:00
Lunch Time: PM 1:00 ~ PM 2:30
Closed on Sundays and holidays
Evening clinic (5~6 p.m.) by appointment only
No breaks on Saturdays
  • Representative doctor : HeeKyeong, Kim
  • Company Registration Number : 214-14-45530
  • 321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
All content and photos on this site are the intellectual property rights of Congressman Kounmom, and you may be subject to legal punishment in case of unauthorized use for commercial purposes.
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