Keep your beauty
for a long time.
Clinic Hours
  • Mon~Wed10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Thu~Fri10:00 ~ 21:00
  • Sat10:00 ~ 15:00 (Night treatment)
  • Lunch break13:00 ~ 14:30 (No lunch break)
  • Closed on Sundays and public holidays.
    Please make a reservation for night treatment.
    On Saturday there is no lunch break.
Add volume to a flat and dull back of the head
Rounded Head shape Filler
  • #Flat_Skull
When the skull appears flat from various angles
such as the back of the head, the top, and the crown
  • #Conehead_Skull
Unattractive skull shape with an upward protrusion
  • #Asymmetrical_Skull
When lying down, the head tilts to one side or
the left and right hairstyles appear different
  • #Unnatural_After_Bone_Cement_Surgery
When volume is unsatisfactory after bone cement surgery,
or when additional surgery is needed
  • #Flat_Top_Conehead
Opposite concept to conehead skull: when the top of the skull is flat
Before & After
Expand photos +
Non-surgical volume treatment tailored to the face and skull shape
What is
*Cases that require Rounded Head shape Filler
*Cases that require Rounded Head shape Filler
Gowoonmom's Rounded Head shape Filler
Gowoonmom's Rounded Head shape Filler (skull)
filler is a non-surgical procedure that adds volume to
flat back of the head, corrects sunken crowns and asymmetry,
and addresses cases where the top of the skull is too flat or
has a protruding conehead.
There is no foreign body sensation after the procedure,
and patients can immediately resume their daily lives.
How many doctors have experienced skull filler themselves?
Gowoonmom Says
What was the reason for you to personally
perform Rounded Head shape Filler?
The reason I started Rounded Head shape Filler at Gowoonmom was because of a patient's request: "I have a flat back of the head, but there must be a solution. I can't have surgery." This patient had been coming to our clinic for a long time and we had a deep trust in each other. I always try to offer the best possible solution for any concerns. I told the patient, "Since you don't want surgery, let's try filler. Based on the anatomy book, it seems like this method would work, but I'm not sure about the actual pain or volume. Would you like to try?" We looked at the anatomy book together and talked about various things before starting the procedure. The patient didn't seem worried at all. I was extremely nervous while performing the procedure, but the patient was very happy with the result. After that, the patient's siblings also came and received the treatment. That was the beginning of Rounded Head shape Filler. If my back of the head wasn't flat, I would have ignored the patient's request. My flat back of the head had been my biggest complex since I was young. That's why I think I could fully empathize with the patient's concerns and pain. Since then, Rounded Head shape Filler has become a specialized treatment at Gowoonmom, and of course, I also received the treatment from another doctor. I have been living a new life since then.
Here are some selfie photos of people
who have received Rounded Head shape
Filler treatment at Gowoonmom.
GowoonMom Solution
  • Flat back of the head
  • Flat top of the head
  • Conehead shape
  • Asymmetrical head shape
  • Dissatisfaction after head shaping surgery How it works
Flat back of the head
원리 How it works
Adding volume to the flat back of the head with filler can boost your confidence and enable sophisticated hair styling.
Flat top of the head
원리 How it works
Filling the flat top of the head (upper area) with filler can help correct the overall shape, making it possible to adjust the appearance of a large face without a fringe.
Conehead shape
원리 How it works
Conehead-shaped heads often have a tired appearance and make the face look longer. Filling the side areas can help correct this and add vitality to the overall appearance.
Asymmetrical head shape
원리 How it works
When your head is asymmetrical, your hair may lean to one side when lying down or have a different hairstyle feel on each side. Rounded Head shape Filler can help correct this asymmetry.
Dissatisfaction after head shaping surgery How it works
원리 How it works
Rounded Head shape Filler can help resolve issues such as insufficient volume after bone cement surgery or the need for a revised surgery due to a conehead shape.
Minimized sagging
Rounded Head shape Filler uses high-viscosity fillers to minimize sagging.
Simple treatment process
The filler is injected through the desired scalp and area without skin incision.
The procedure is simple and does not involve skin incisions or general anesthesia,
as the filler is injected directly into the area requiring correction using a small needle.
No foreign body sensation
The Rounded Head shape
Filler treatment is so discreet that
even when washing your hair at the salon,
no one will know that you've had the treatment.
Long-lasting effects
A thin membrane forms around the filler,
slowing down the degradation process over time,
allowing for long-lasting effects.
Fast recovery time
Swelling and pain usually subside within three days of treatment,
and daily activities can be
resumed immediately with the help of medication.
Gowoonmom Rounded Head shape Filler Q & A
Will hair loss occur after Rounded Head shape Filler treatment?
There is a dense and firm membrane between the filler injection site and the hair root. In other words, the hair root and filler exist in separate spaces. Additionally, the blood supply system to the hair root is very dense and strong, ensuring good circulation. Generally, hair loss does not occur after Rounded Head shape Filler treatment. However, if a large amount of filler is used at once, temporary blood circulation problems can occur, potentially leading to temporary hair loss for 1-3 months. As a result, it is not recommended to have a large amount of filler injected at once.
Is it possible to sleep while lying on my back after getting rounded head shape filler?
Unlike the face, the back of the head isn’t the area that droops or is active with muscle uses. During sleep, it receives the pressure evenly. Regardless of the sleeping position, there shouldn’t be any changes with the shape of the filler inside
What is the reason why rounded head shape filler last longer?
Head filler is injected into the area is near skull bone which doesn’t have active metabolism unlike the face. Therefore, filler decomposition starts later compared to when it’s injected into the face, so it lasts longer than other areas.
I’m not fully satisfied with the shape after bone cement surgery , will I still be able to get rounded head shape filler?
Yes, it’s possible.
Why Gowoonmom

since 2006 Specialized in body shaping, researching and performing procedures since 2006

Over 30,000 cases of body fillers Our medical staff and employees use carefully selected, safe fillers that have been clinically proven through their own practice

Daily maximum safe volume set Daily maximum safe volume set, creating an optimized volume within the daily maximum safe volume without forcibly adding more

Restylene certified top-rated procedure hospital Selected as the top-rated procedure hospital for Restylene-certified fillers

Provide safety procedure certificate A safety procedure certificate is given after the procedure and an employee provides customized care

The staff and doctors of Gowoonmom
Clinic are all composed of women who know
the hearts and body of women.
We studied our bodies first before yours.
This is where Gowoonmom’s story begins.
For Woman
Contact E-Mail:
205-206,321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Guide to treatment hours
Mon : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Tue : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Wed : 10:00 ~ 19:00
Thu : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Fri : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Sat : 10:00 ~ 15:00
Lunch Time: PM 1:00 ~ PM 2:30
Closed on Sundays and holidays
Evening clinic (5~6 p.m.) by appointment only
No breaks on Saturdays
  • Representative doctor : HeeKyeong, Kim
  • Company Registration Number : 214-14-45530
  • 321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
All content and photos on this site are the intellectual property rights of Congressman Kounmom, and you may be subject to legal punishment in case of unauthorized use for commercial purposes.
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