Keep your beauty
for a long time.
Clinic Hours
  • Mon~Wed10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Thu~Fri10:00 ~ 21:00
  • Sat10:00 ~ 15:00 (Night treatment)
  • Lunch break13:00 ~ 14:30 (No lunch break)
  • Closed on Sundays and public holidays.
    Please make a reservation for night treatment.
    On Saturday there is no lunch break.
Simple procedure to improve jaw-line
Petit Jaw-slimming
  • #Dissatisfied with overall face line
If you are dissatisfied with the overall face line, such as lack of front chin, spatula jaw, square jaw, imbalanced lower jaw, etc.
  • #Imbalanced face
If you want to balance your asymmetric face.
Not only body fillers, but Gowoonmom Clinic is also good at face petit treatments
More Pictures
Ultimate definition of face line provided by Gowoonmom
What is
Gowoonmom's petit jaw slimming is?
Petit jaw slimming is a procedure that corrects the overall face
line by combining complex petit procedures such as filler, Botox,
and lifting to suit your face shape and achieve the desired face type.
Jaw surgery requires a lot of time to risk and recover as it is a
bone-handling operation, but Petit jaw slimming can compensate for
these shortcomings and reduce the burden of surgery and recovery period.
GowoonMom Solution
  • Lifting
  • Fillers
  • Botox
원리 How it works and characteristics
Pulls the sagging face fat through thread lifting and removes the double chin to create a slimmer overall outline of the face.
원리 How it works and characteristics
Fillers are injected in the front cheekbones and under the eyes and raises the nose bridge, as well as pulling out the chin to create a three-dimensional face contour.
원리 How it works and characteristics
It disrupts the development of muscles in the jaw area, allowing a v-shaped face and also improves fine wrinkles in the forehead and eye area.
If Necessary
Cases that require petit jaw slimming
  • Reason. 01
    If you're thinking of
    bimaxillary surgery for
    cosmetic purposes.
  • Reason. 02
    If you are worried
    about uneven facial lines.
  • Reason. 03
    If you are worried
    about protruding mouth.
  • Reason. 04
    If your face looks longer
    and is not three-dimensional.
  • Reason. 05
    If you want improvements
    in skin elasticity and v-line.
  • Reason. 06
    If you want to find
    effective and safe facial
    balance in a non-surgical way
Why Gowoonmom

since 2006 Specialized in body shaping, researching and performing procedures since 2006

Over 30,000 cases of body fillers Our medical staff and employees use carefully selected, safe fillers that have been clinically proven through their own practice

Daily maximum safe volume set Daily maximum safe volume set, creating an optimized volume within the daily maximum safe volume without forcibly adding more

Restylene certified top-rated procedure hospital Selected as the top-rated procedure hospital for Restylene-certified fillers

Provide safety procedure certificate A safety procedure certificate is given after the procedure and an employee provides customized care

The staff and doctors of Gowoonmom
Clinic are all composed of women who know
the hearts and body of women.
We studied our bodies first before yours.
This is where Gowoonmom’s story begins.
For Woman
Contact E-Mail:
205-206,321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Guide to treatment hours
Mon : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Tue : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Wed : 10:00 ~ 19:00
Thu : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Fri : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Sat : 10:00 ~ 15:00
Lunch Time: PM 1:00 ~ PM 2:30
Closed on Sundays and holidays
Evening clinic (5~6 p.m.) by appointment only
No breaks on Saturdays
  • Representative doctor : HeeKyeong, Kim
  • Company Registration Number : 214-14-45530
  • 321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
All content and photos on this site are the intellectual property rights of Congressman Kounmom, and you may be subject to legal punishment in case of unauthorized use for commercial purposes.
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