Keep your beauty
for a long time.
Clinic Hours
  • Mon~Wed10:00 ~ 19:00
  • Thu~Fri10:00 ~ 21:00
  • Sat10:00 ~ 15:00 (Night treatment)
  • Lunch break13:00 ~ 14:30 (No lunch break)
  • Closed on Sundays and public holidays.
    Please make a reservation for night treatment.
    On Saturday there is no lunch break.
“We introduce to you our doctors
that will transform your body
into a fine Gowoonmom one.”
Female doctors that understand women.
All women and employees at Gowoonmom Clinic are comprised of
women who know and understand women’s bodies and what they want well.
As female doctors, they can better understand in detail women’s bodies,
and they can also tell their own experiences in receiving different procedures.
We will make sure to only practice procedures that we experienced
and were satisfied with.

당신에게 바디에
   최적화된 디자인을
소개합니다. ”
여성의 몸과 맘을 잘 아는 여의사
고운몸의원의 모든 의료진과 직원들은
여성의 몸과 맘을 잘 아는 여성들로
구성되어 있습니다.
특히 여의사로서 환자들을 대하는 것에 있어
자칫 놓칠 수 있는
여성의 몸에 대한 디테일을 더 세심하게
관찰할 수 있고, 이를 통해 의료진이 직접
경험했던 시술에
대한 경험담을 말해드릴 수도 있죠. 이심전심이라는
여성인 저희가 직접 경험하고 좋았던
시술만을 마음을 담아 선사하겠습니다.
The staff and doctors of Gowoonmom
Clinic are all composed of women who know
the hearts and body of women.
We studied our bodies first before yours.
This is where Gowoonmom’s story begins.
For Woman
Contact E-Mail:
205-206,321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Guide to treatment hours
Mon : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Tue : 10:00 ~ 19:00 Wed : 10:00 ~ 19:00
Thu : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Fri : 10:00 ~ 21:00 Night care Sat : 10:00 ~ 15:00
Lunch Time: PM 1:00 ~ PM 2:30
Closed on Sundays and holidays
Evening clinic (5~6 p.m.) by appointment only
No breaks on Saturdays
  • Representative doctor : HeeKyeong, Kim
  • Company Registration Number : 214-14-45530
  • 321, Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
All content and photos on this site are the intellectual property rights of Congressman Kounmom, and you may be subject to legal punishment in case of unauthorized use for commercial purposes.
Quick Counseling
Quick Counseling
빠른 상담 신청
문의항목 선택
오시는 길
서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 321 디오빌프라임 205, 206호
신분당선 강남역 5번 출구 도보 10분 ㅣ 양재역 2번 출구 도보 10분
[티맵], [카카오맵] 에서 “서초대우디오빌프라임 주차장” 검색